:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by michaela wien | 07.07.2008

blog: reisefieber einer suppe
koordinaten: 48.206881, 16.346726

1 green bell pepper (2 big red bell peppers would be better, but not at my disposal right now)
1-2 hot chilis
1,5l peeled and pureed organic tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
salt, origano, pinch of sugar, olive oil

saute minced bellpepper, garlic and chili in heated oil. add some water and the tomatoes, season with spices and bring it to a short boil
before serving, top the soup with 1tbsp soured cream and cubes of brown bread, shortly roasted in butter.

by the way, the fish soup I got from the last day cook was a perfect match to my soup. it's a pity not to have it always at disposal.


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