:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
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Through the highway entanglement from Düsseldorf to Frankfurt am Main.

At 13h, I have to be at Weser5, cause every day, exactly at this time, the daily gratis soup is being served. I arrive almost one hour earlier.
When I enter the kitchen, Gerhard the cook is about placing semolina dumplings in the ready cooked soup, using a teaspoon. Although he doesn't let on anything, I feel, that he is sceptical about the project Jahressuppe. As he doesn't really trust that thing, he pours the half litre of Jahressuppe into a separate pot. Even at 13h, time for serving the soup, the Jahressuppe still is in the separate pot, lorn and lonely.
Gerhard serves the first portions and still......I have to take action!
I start to explain, why the soup must be poured into the big pot to serve its purpose, what now in my precense at last happens, and so to all the different tastes, to this and to those, this one is added.

Gerald Hintze, the man who is responsible for the Diakonie (welfare and social work of protestant church) also curator and graduated pedagogue tells me about the objectives and the processing of the agenda, which the work of the Weissfrauen Diakonie Church is based on.
Basically, they try to help people, who are out of work, without a home, with no money, for what reasons ever and treat them as citizens, on a par with all the other people, but needing help to help themselves.
The help to help themselves, mostly consists of supporting people to find an inner balance and to became reasonably acting persons. To achieve that aim, amongst other things, people need rooms for privacy to initiate an identification process. They care here for such human needs. They try to create an atmosphere, that provides a minimum of safeness and security. And naturally, a main aspect of the Diakonies' work is the intensive care for people on the streets, to support them in official channels and being a contact point for problem solving in general.
The most ineresting issue of the agenda is, that it is a totally open system for those who need help, that means, there are no restrictions about degree of indigence. The intension is to appease the inside, it is good to know, you can trust in one, good to sleep in your own room again, minimum requirements to get to, what we call inner peace.
Peace of soul, as it is called in various philosophic traditions. Peace of soul is also the point in religions, even when it's not always noticeable. The more pleasant it is, when a churchly institution like this doesn't act on the premiss of conversion, but on the basic principle, that people in need should be helped, regardless of their confession. This kind of help is not motivated by serving the purpose of last entity, moreover it comes from inside oneself, as deeper insight of the nature of human being.
The nature of human being depends on the fact, to be born into community and being responsibel from the very beginning, vice versa the community is responsible for every single human being.

The house with its appartements, Tagestreff center, kitchen, tv-and computer room is located next to the Diakonie church at the station area of Frankfurt. Gerald Hintze tells me, that it is used as variegated venue, in addition to masses, conferences, dj events, also controversial exhibitions of contemporary artists take place there, time and again, p.e. tomorrow Friday the vernisage of the exhibition 'bittedanke by the applied monochromist Andreas Exner; posters showing monochrom artefacts at the foyer, in the empty unfurnitured church a mobile, 3-rows pew, with photographs of vacation under glass, that show us how boring it was sometimes in our childhood at church and how badly we had wished to see some entertaining pictures; a flat grey ashlar with an embedded, black basin filled with water, reflecting the round, blue colored windows and a huge multicolored patchwork curtain, extra long dangles from the gallery, which ends spread out on the bottom at least one meter.

The Jahressuppe will be cooked during the vernisage tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to go back to Austria today. Peter will pick up the soup here tomorrow and bring it to Bochum.

cook: gerhard im weser5
recipe: semolina dumpling soup
gallery: tagestreff weser5
koordinaten: 50.107622, 8.670590


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