:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by sunisa, thailand wien | 07.02.2009

koordinaten: 48.1945916, 16.3043571

This is an innovation for the Thai cuisine based on an idea by my mother:
500g chicken filet
1 tin (400g) coconut milk dissolved in 2l boiling water
lemongrass (leaves and stalks very finely cut)
1 piece of galangal root (finely cut)
1 small red onion
6 of each lime-and coriander leaves
1tbsp tomyam paste
oyster sauce
pinch of sugar
300g white mushrooms

Bring the coconut water to a steam, add all the spices bit by bit also the chicken meat..
At last add halved white mushrooms, lime- and coriander leaves.


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