:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by elisabeth wien | 20.01.2009

koordinaten: 48.2545298, 16.4018029

ingredients for 3l soup:
1 chicken, 1 large potatoe, 1 carrot,
4cm piece of peeled ginger,
500g boiled sweet corn (made of 4-6 cobs or use canned corn)
3tbsp corn flour, 100ml water,
bunch of spring onions or 4 halves of leek
1tsp sesame oil, salt, pepper

for 3 litres of soup, use a whole chicken, remove skin, trench, place in water and bring it to the boil. add onion and potato (makes the soup smoother), a little bit of soup vegetable, salt, pepper, cover with a lid and simmer until the meat is tender and the soup has got a hearty taste; 30-40min around.

strain the broth, cut the meat into small chunks and put them back to the soup, thereto the finely grated ginger, sweet corn, simmer again for 5min.

mix corn flour with a little water to a mush, stir it into the soup to get a thicker consistency.
finally season with a lacing of sesame oil, salt and pepper and serve the hot soup topped with sliced spring onions or leeks.

foto, right soup not mixed with the jahressuppe, left soup, mixed.


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