:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by Timea, Slowakei wien | 03.02.2009

koordinaten: 48.2092062, 16.3727778

Thereto you need:
about 400g cured pork (boiled). Roast bacon and onions in a big soup pan, sprinkle with flour to make a light roux. At last season with sweet paprika, pour in the broth of the cured pork, add leastwise 300g of sauerkraut (best if cut a bit), garlic, bay leaf, optionally some dried mushrooms, 300g diced potatoes, salt and caraway, simmer until potatoes and cabbage are tender. Finally add the diced cured pork, season to taste and top with soured cream.


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