:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by cilli bildein | 27.12.2008

koordinaten: 47.1363808, 16.4896026

100g streaky bacon
500g ready cooked sauerkraut
500g finley cut cabbage
1 minced onion
3 tablespoons tomato puree
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon paprika spice (sweet)
1 teaspoon paprika spice (hot)
1 litre beef stock
2 pairs of Debreziner sausages
2 tablespoons soured cream or creme fraiche
salt, caraway

Cut the bacon into small cubes, roast them
add minced onions and
finely cut cabbage and roast shortly, add paprika spice, cover with beef stock and bring it to the boil
add sauerkraut, reduce the heat and continue to simmer.
Finally add the sliced Debreziner, bring the soup to a short boil again and serve with a topping of soured cream or creme fraiche.


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