:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by eva wien | 04.01.2009

galerie: sonntägliche biersuppe
koordinaten: 48.1605174, 16.4634793

6 portions

300g onions, 4 slices of brown bread, 2tbsp butter, 1/2l dark beer, 1l beef bones stock, salt, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, 2 slices of toast, 60g Emmentaler cheese

1. Cut onions into fine strips (julienne), brown bread into dices and roast both together in butter. Pour in beer and soup and boil for 20 minutes.

2. Pass the soup through a sieve, season to taste with salt and pepper plus cinnamon and cloves.

3. Cut toast into dices, fill the soup into bowls, bestraw with bread dices and grated cheese and put them in the preheated oven to gratinate until golden brown.


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