The ingredients
What we need for the cool Cucumber-grapes-soup is: 500g fresh cornichons(now they have the most intensive taste, otherwise use the knobbly summer cucumbers), 1 small leek, each a piece of ginger and horse raddish (1-2cm), 1 dill umble, 150ml dry cidre or apple wine or Schilcher as well, 1l water (no vegetable broth!) and 500g potato puree(left over from the day before and substitute for the Jahressuppe, still being missed). Plus salt and pepper and 2 handsful of green, sweet-and sour grapes.
The preparation
The cucumbers are rinsed and roughly grated. (not peeled)
Leek is cleaned, washed and finely sliced, horse raddish and ginger is peeled, but not cut.
The cooking
Leek is shortly sauted in oil, then cucumbers plus ginger, horse raddish and dill umble are added, the soup is seasoned with salt and simmered for 5 minutes around. The puree and the grapes are stirred in and the soup is reboiled for 3 minutes again. Now the soup has to cool off completely.
The waiting
2 litres of cucumber soup are ready now and still waiting for 0,5l Jahressuppe for the 2,5l happy end. Hopefully they'll hit it off.
The transcendental completion
If the Jahressuppe still is not arrived for the substantial completion, but guests are already here, invite them to take a spoonful of soup.
Then they should imagine, the soup was containing half a litre of chicken soup, which has fornicated on a music festival and contains the information of a half year europe travelling, then ask them to try again. An unforgetable impression.
The substantial completion
is, to chase the soup messenger around Munich and over all bridges, until she's well done and to take over the Jahressuppe on the Ludwigsbrücke. Then place the soup in the cucumber-grapes bed, reboil, allow to cool off and recognize, now it is perfect. Paticularly as a drink from the thermos flask for hot days.