:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by ines berlin-mitte | 31.08.2008

blog: suppe macht glücklich...
galerie: suppenfest bei ines
koordinaten: 52.527700, 13.400528

(for 4 hungry people)

2tbsp ghee or olive oil
3 young onions, peeled and cut into fine slices
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely cubed
2 young carrots, peeled and julienne-cut
4 mallow summer tomatoes, skinned, pitted and cut into rough chunks
1 green and 1 yellow zucchini
100g green pole beans, rinsed, pared and optionally cut into small pieces
1 small fennel, rinsed and sliced
4 magenta colored leaves of chard, rinsed and cut into strips
optionally 100g tiny pasta, p.e. gnocchetti, boiled al dente
or more summer vegetable from the market

1l fresh vegetable stock (plus Jahressuppe)
a lacing of red wine vinegar
2 fresh bay leaves
2 sprigs of rosmary and 2 of thyme
1 bunch parsley, rinsed and roughly chopped
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

heat ghee or olive oil in a big pan to roast onions and garlic shortly.
Pour in vegetable stock and add cut vegetable, vinegar, bay leaves, rosmary and thyme. Bring it to a short boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15-12 min around. Season with salt and pepper. Finally add parsley and optionally the pasta, allow to steep for some minutes.

for the Pistou:
1 big bunch of basil, minced
olive oil
a little water
50g grated parmesan
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Mix basil with olive oil and water to a smooth paste. Stir in the parmesan and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Serve the the soup with a blob of pistou on each bowl.


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