:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by jana wien | 03.01.2009

blog: Die Geschichte vom Suppen−Kaspar
galerie: das exekutivkomitee tagt
koordinaten: 48.2071869, 16.3459518

for 6 persons

about 700g brown onions
2,5l beef broth
125ml dry white wine
olive oil, salt, pepper, flour
chopped parsley
baguette, hearty cheese (p.e. gruyère)

-cut onions into slices and roast them in oil until golden
-sprinkle with flour and quench with white wine
- pour in the hot beef broth, add salt and pepper to taste (I left out the pepper, because the day before soup was already spiced)
-simmer for 30 minutes
-cut the baguette into slices, face them with cheese and put them in the oven to gratinate.
- when the soup is ready, serve each portion topped with the crunchy bread and chopped parsley


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